Nairobi Satellite Towns Water and Sanitation Development Programme (NST-WSDP)
Phase 1- Ruiru-Juja /Greater Githurai Water supply system
Kenyan Government with Financial support from Germany through KFW Development Bank has financed a water supply system project for the greater Githurai areas of Mwiki, Kahawa wendani & Sukari, Kiuu and Mwihoko.
The project scope entails: Upgrading of the existing Ruiru intakes raw water pumping station, Construction of 1 Km DN 400mm HDPE raw water rising main, a conventional water treatment plant of capacity 13,000M3, Construction of 14km of DN 1000mm and 800mm Steel transmission line from Treatments works to Kahawa Sukari and distribution network to Kiuu and Mwiki areas. The client, Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWD) has contracted Toddy Civil Engineering Company to implement the construction works under the supervision of Posch and Partners Consulting Engineers in joint venture with Norken International Ltd. The project construction works commenced in May 2020 and the expected completion date is November 2021. The project is expected to resolve water shortage in Githurai areas once its completed.